Using the information from Reader 6 'Tools of Professional Inquiry', including; the different methods of 'data collection' (their merits and limits), the ways in which to analyse and evaluate my data and the affects of being an 'insider researcher'; I have piloted 3 of the 4 tools of inquiry - an interview, a focus group and an observation.
Although I have not had time to personally create my own survey (the 4th tool of inquiry); I am however having to hand out and collect a survey created by the 'Learning South Leicestershire School Sports Partnership', who I am currently working for. This has given me the chance to evaluate that the quantitative data produced from a survey in the field/topic I am researching, would be very useful when collecting data from the children's parents in my inquiry.
Below is the link to my critical reflection on the 'tools of professional inquiry' I piloted:
Tools of Professional Inquiry - Merits and Limits
I know it's long!!! But I would really appreciate if you could take a look and let me know your thoughts. Did you have similisr experiences when conducting your pilot interviews, surveys, focus groups or observations? Is there anything I havn't included that you think I need to consider about using any of the tools of inquiry?